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7. Comparison with other commercial products

Comparisons of GCP with shark cartilage (powder or liquid) and other isoflavone extracts for their angiogenesis effects.


Product A (Containing 40% isoflavone)
Product B (Containing 40% isoflavone aglycones)
Powder shart cartilage  (Containing 60% shark cartilage)
Liquid shark cartilage

Method: CAM

Preparation for samples: Dissolved in PBS or in DMSO by 100mg/ml concentration, and diluted with PBS, the final DMSO concentration is less than 1%, 0.2ml of samples was added in the eggs. The liquid shark cartilage was added by original liquid. Each sample was added into 3 eggs.

Result: (Table 9 and Fig. 15)

Table 9. Comparison of GCP with other commercial products

Dissolved in GCP Powder shark cartilage Liquid shark cartilage Product A Product B
PBS ++++
DMSO ++++
-- ~ ++++
-- ~ ++++

* : +++++~++++: Significantly effective; _: No effective;
* ( ) : percentage of effectiveness in six eggs

Dissolved in PBS

PBS GCP Powder Shark 
Product A

Product B

Dissolved in DMSO

PBS GCP Liquid Shark 
Product A

Product B

Fig. 15 Comparison of GCP dissolved in PBS or DMSO with other commercial products

Comparison of GCP with other commercial products on inhibition of vessels in tumor located areas

Method: Tumor-bearing mice model transplanted with S-180 sarcoma. GCP, Product A, Product B were dissolved in tap water by 10% and administrated, p.o. by original liquid of 0.35ml/day/ mouse for two weeks.

Result: The vessels in tumor located area clearly were found in untreated control. Vessels almost disappeared in GCP-treated mice while other commercial products and shark cartilage did not show such effects (Fig. 16).

Control GCP Liquid Shark 
Product A

Product B

Fig. 16  Comparison of GCP with other commercial products on inhibition of vessels in tumor located areas.

Comparison of GCP with other commercial products on inhibition of tumor growth

Method: Tumor-bearing mice model transplanted with S-180 sarcoma
Administration: GCP, Product A, Product B: Dissolved in tap water by 10% and administrated, p.o. by the dosage of 0.35ml /day/mouse. Period: Two weeks.

Observation: Tumor growth curve, tumor weight. 
Results: GCP significantly inhibited the tumor growth of S-180, while shark cartilage, Product A or B did not show this inhibitory effect.

Fig. 17 Tumor growth curve of S-180 sarcoma after treatment with GCP and other commercial products.

Fig. 18 Tumor weight of S-180 sarcoma after treatment with GCP and other commercial products.

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